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Nestled on the Mid-South coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, between Scottburgh and Pennington, lies the unspoiled area of Kelso.

Abrams Crest Estate comprises 145 freehold residential sites, many of which are situated on the crest and sea-facing side of Kelso Hill and enjoy spectacular sea views.

The development is fully walled with eco-friendly aggregate impregnated concrete palisade fencing. The roads are tarred, with cobble paved intersections. The estate has “Ye olde” colonial style lampposts and street signs, and is guarded by a manned gated entrance to the estate.


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Lot 12, Abrams Crest


Lot 12 is an open land property situated right at...


    Lot 25, Abrams Crest


    Want to escape the bustle of daily life? Why not...


      Lot 127, Abrams Crest


      Lot 127 is a beautiful vacant lot just waiting for...

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